Child Safe Standards

Oxley Christian College has long held a strong focus on the safety and overall wellbeing of all students who attend the College, with our policies, procedures and guidelines supporting our consistent practices and enabling ongoing compliance with legislative requirements for a safe environment for children of all ages. To uphold our safe environment, and in accordance with the College ethos, the College has, therefore, further developed its strategies to enhance the culture of child safety at the College, which has led to the creation of several new documents relating to College practices, including the following:

All adults working at the College (including staff, volunteers, contractors, and homestay parents) will be required to abide by the Child Safe Policy and sign and comply with the Child Safe Code of Conduct. Copies of documents relating to the Child Safe Standards are located on our website under Publications.

Mr James Avram, Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School is the College Senior Child Safety Officer. The College has appointed Mrs Danielle Bruce (College Psychologist) and Ps Matt Daly as College Child Safety Officers, to assist both children and adults that may have concerns in relation to child abuse and child safety. 

More information on the Child Safe Standards may be found at the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority website: