College Overview

Vision Statement

To delight in God’s love through inspired learning.

Mission Statement

To provide an education for excellence within a Biblical Christian worldview.

College Structure

Oxley Christian College is a coeducational Christian day school with a total enrolment of around 1,000 students. The Early Learning Centre, known as Oxley Kids, offers the best in Long Day Care, Kindergarten and Outside School Hours Care. The Junior School covers Prep to Year 6; while the Senior School encompasses Years 7 through 12.  Students in Years 7-9 are part of the ‘Middle Years’, while students in Years 10-12 are part of the ‘Senior Years’.

In offering a complete educational experience – from Early Learning to Year 12 –  the College fosters a sense of community, security and belonging, where interaction between all year levels is encouraged as an important aspect of social development.

Each student is assigned to one of three competition groups called Houses. Friendly Inter-House competition in various sports fosters the qualities of co-operation and team loyalty, while roles of responsibility at all Year levels – Home Group Captains, Junior and Senior School House Captains, and College Captains and Vice-Captains – nurture the development of leadership skills.

In 2008, Oxley became a member of the Eastern Independent Schools Melbourne (EISM) sporting competition.

College History

Oxley Christian College is a Christian school, founded by Life Ministry Centre as a ministry expression of the church. It opened in Warranwood in 1979 with 89 students in Prep to Year 8. The College was relocated to the current site in Chirnside Park in 1983.

The founding Pastor of Life Ministry Centre (LMC), H.K. Oxley (OBE), stated in 1983, “Our aim is to produce a sound, academically trained person with a Christian foundation specifically in regard to standards, behaviour and absolutes; in short, a balanced, stable, mature and useful citizen of our community.

The Senior Pastor of Life Ministry Centre is Pastor Graham Nelson.

Visit the LMC website at

When the College was founded in 1979, it was with two key objectives: to achieve the highest academic standards and to do so within a non-denominational, distinctively Christian environment.  Still deeply committed to its founding principles, Oxley is widely recognised both for the excellence of its teaching and for the outstanding academic performance of its Year 12 students, of whom the majority gain entry each year into the university programs of their choice.

At the heart of the Oxley experience are Christian perspectives and values (refer to the School Aims and Statement of Faith below), which underpin all aspects of the College program. Every member of the highly qualified teaching staff is committed to the Christian ethos. Each student is encouraged in the development of a deep and enduring personal faith, accompanied by respect for oneself as a unique creation of God, and by respect and compassion for others.

The College seeks also to identify and nurture the individual student’s talents, which are valued, cherished and encouraged as special, God-given gifts.

The College attracts students from diverse cultures and backgrounds – including a number of students from overseas. The College community welcomes all students and families who embrace the school’s ethos and objectives.

The College values and promotes the principles and practices of Australian democracy, including a commitment to elected government, the rule of law and equal rights for all before the law.  We are also committed to and enjoy freedom of religion, speech and association.  Our College community practices and actively promotes the values of openness and tolerance.

School Aims

  • Demonstrate the love of God, teach Biblical truths and nurture the spiritual growth of students.
  • Equip students to serve God and society.
  • Nurture Christian values, standards of morality and ethics.
  • Develop in students a commitment to personal excellence in all aspects of school life.
  • Assist students in discovering and developing, as fully as possible, their unique talents and capacities.
  • Provide a comprehensive and balanced curriculum relevant to the needs of all students.
  • Maintain high standards, knowledge, skills and understanding in the 8 key learning areas and in particular numeracy and literacy.
  • Develop skills of critical, flexible, analytical, reflective and creative thinking in order that students will be able to solve problems, communicate ideas, organise activities and collaborate with others.
  • Offer experiences which will motivate and challenge students intellectually, aesthetically, physically and spiritually.
  • Develop an understanding of, and respect for, social, economic and ethnic differences, and a commitment to values of openness and tolerance.
  • Impart to students an understanding of the Australian heritage and national identity, including the systems of elected government and the rule of law, and civic life, in order that students will be active and informed citizens.
  • Develop an understanding of Aboriginal cultures and their value to Australian society so that students possess knowledge and skills to contribute to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
  • Develop an understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity so that students possess knowledge, communication and inter-cultural skills to contribute to such diversity in Australia and internationally.
  • Equip students with knowledge and skills to exercise judgement and responsibility in matters of stewardship of the natural environment, morality, ethics and social justice in the global context.
  • Equip students with skills so that they are confident, creative and productive users of information and communication technologies.
  • Provide sensitive care for each student.
  • Provide a secure and supportive environment where responsible relationships may be developed amongst all members of the school community.
  • Be mindful of equal opportunity and to seek justice for students so that learning outcomes are fair to all.
  • Provide for students career education, employment related skills and understanding of the work environment, providing clear pathways to employment and further education and training.
  • Develop self-disciplined young people who are optimistic, confident, articulate and resourceful, able to make rational and informed decisions.
  • To encourage students to possess a zest for learning and understanding that learning is a life-long process.
  • Develop an understanding of the equal rights of all people before the law, and a commitment to freedom of religion, speech and association.

Statement of Faith

The Bible

We believe in the Divine inspiration, the infallibility and supreme authority of the Old and New Testaments in their entirety. They alone constitute the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice.


We believe there is one God, perfect and holy, existing eternally in three equal divine persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the creator and sustainer of all things, both visible and invisible, the heavens, the earth and all that is contained in the universe.

Jesus Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing only begotten Son of God, the Lord of all creation who was with God in the beginning and at the appointed time took the form of man, lived a sinless life and died on a cross, being raised again on the third day.

Virgin Birth

We believe that Jesus was the Word made flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.


We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and died as a sacrifice on the cross, shedding His blood for the remission of sin for all mankind. He is the only source of salvation from the penalty and consequence of sin.


We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead in His own glorified body for man’s justification, ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.


We believe that all men are in a fallen sinful and lost condition as a result of the original sin of Adam and Eve who were created without sin. In this state of depravity man is helpless to save himself and is under the condemnation of God to eternal punishment in Hell. Salvation from this state is solely by grace and is received through genuine repentance toward God and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This experience is known as “new birth” and is an instantaneous and complete operation of the Holy Spirit who alone convicts men of sin, leads them to repentance, creates faith within them and regenerates. The regenerate person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit who imparts gifts and manifests fruits through the believer.

Second Coming

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will visibly return to earth in person to establish His Kingdom. This will occur at a date undisclosed by scripture.

Kingdom of God

We believe that the Kingdom of God is made up of believers from all nations and denominations who are under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is the visible manifestation of the Body of Christ in the local community expressing itself through local congregations.

The Christian Life

We believe that the Christian life is expressed outwardly by conformity to the standards expressed in the Bible which is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice.

Our Christian Values

As a Christian body committed to our faith…

  • we worship God
    • because he has demonstrated His love to us and deserves our highest praise
  • we seek to model the life of Christ
    • because through Christ, God has shown us how he wants us to live
  • we uphold the Biblical standards of truth, goodness and beauty
    • because we believe that the Bible is God’s Word
  • we rely on prayer and the Holy Spirit
    • because we believe that God has provided these as a means of relating with Him
  • we spread the Good News and seek ways to serve God
    • because we believe that all people should have the opportunity to respond to the love of God and make the world a better place in which to live

As individuals…

  • we act with integrity, self-control & humility
    • because we believe that God is just and holds us accountable for our actions
  • we practice moral values such as honesty, patience, justice & mercy
    • because we believe that God wants us to follow His example of righteousness
  • we base our relationships on love, forgiveness & reconciliation
    • because we believe that we should follow the example of Christ’s love for us
  • we aspire to excellence and wisdom in the use of our abilities and talents for the benefit of others
    • because we believe that these are gifts entrusted to us by God

As members of the community…

  • we seek to discover who we are and our place in the universe
    • because we believe that we learn about God through his creation
  • we value the uniqueness of individuals and provide a nurturing, caring environment
    • because we are all precious in God’s sight
  • we show respect, tolerance and live in harmony with others
    • because we believe in the equal right of all people to live in peace
  • we help those in need from a sense of compassion
    • because we believe that we should love one another
  • we seek ways to sacrificially serve the community
    • because we follow Christ’s example of serving others

As mankind…

  • we have a hope for the future
    • because we believe that we are created by God and redeemed by Jesus Christ