Our Senior School

At Oxley Christian College we seek to lead young people to mature and excel in Christian scholarship through a high quality and engaging education with a large variety of co-curricular opportunities.

Students may choose to participate in a wide range of quality activities, while working towards gaining their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The VCE has been designed with all Victorian students in mind and our students typically perform very well with approximately 85% of students then proceeding to tertiary studies in a professional field of their choice.

Academic rigour is assured under the guidance of our caring, experienced educators, with classroom learning supported by technology through the use of the student-owned SurfacePro as our ICT platform. Approximately 30 subjects are offered at VCE level with some additional external studies being encouraged and selected, especially in a range of languages.

The Institute of Sport affords students the opportunity to receive professional coaching in basketball, tennis, netball and soccer in our sports stadium, which also includes a weights training room.

A robust music program commences in Year 7 with all students being provided with an instrument to gain expertise that culminates in a concert for their parents in Term 4. Many students continue in later years to learn a range of string, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments which include both class based and individual lessons. A plethora of performance opportunities are provided including Chapel Worship, Assembly and specific events hosted externally or in the Broadley Performing Arts Centre (BPAC).

Leadership opportunities exist at all year levels with a particular focus on leadership training and development occurring in Year 9 through the Middle Years Leaders initiative, in Years 10 and 11 through Faculty Captaincy and then through Years 11 and 12 with House Captaincy and School Leadership.

Our desire is to see young people develop their unique skills and abilities while studying in a safe and stimulating setting, where they will be encouraged to achieve their best spiritually and academically.

Year 7

The Year 7 program acknowledges this pivotal time of transition into secondary school and strategies are embedded in our teaching and learning program to guide students through this process. The transition period begins in the latter part of Year 6 when students new to the College are ‘buddied’ with a student from Oxley’s Year 6 cohort.

A rigorous academic program, which utilises the Microsoft Surface Pro (tablet) as one learning tool, challenges Year 7 students as they adjust to having several teachers and subjects in various classrooms. Each Home Group teacher also teaches his or her class for at least one subject. This enables an even closer understanding of each student as an individual with a specific learning style and as a person. Weekly attendance at Chapel and Assembly, where the entire Senior School comes together, enhances the Year 7 student’s sense of community as they begin to grow, mature and see themselves as an integral member of the wider community. Students revel in the realisation that, while they may have felt nervous or timid on their first day, their confidence increased at a rapid rate with the support and guidance provided in our transition program. Written reflections by students and happy faces are evidence that our Year 7s grow not only physically, but also in confidence, faith and engagement in secondary school.









  • Art
  • Christian Studies
  • Drama
  • English
  • Food Studies
  • Geography
  • Health and Personal Development
  • History
  • Inclusive Education
  • Information Technology
  • Languages (Chinese and German)
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Sport

Year 8

Students continue with their educational journey by developing independence as they grow into young men and women. As they progress to a higher year level, more is expected from them. Many of the activities they do in this year level reflect this. In Term 3, the students participate in a snow adventure camp at Mount Buller where they will have the opportunity to undertake skiing lessons from instructors. Students also experience their first mixed age interschool sport, teaming up with Year 9 and working with them. Learning how to play competitively amongst many who are older, bigger and stronger is yet another part of the growing process.

Students discover that teachers expect more from them and begin to notice that their workload increases. They have more responsibility for completing their class and assignment work. Life in Year 8, however, also includes fun-filled activities and the annual end of year URBNSURF surfing experience is enjoyed by all. Students also celebrate the demands of assessment period with down time activities such as pancakes and hot chocolate breakfasts. By the end of Year 8, students are ready for the next stage of their journey and are equipped with the necessary skills needed for higher schooling education


  • Art
  • Ceramics
  • Christian Studies
  • Drama
  • English
  • Food Studies
  • Geography
  • Health and Personal Development
  • History
  • Inclusive Education
  • Information Technology
  • Languages (Chinese and German)
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Sport

Year 9

When our Year 12 students look back over their secondary years, some of their favourite memories were created in Year 9! There is a variety of engaging elective subjects offered such as; Duke of Edinburgh, Photography, Debating, Robotics, IT Responsive Web Design and Food Celebrations, just to name a few. Students continue to build on their language skills and cultural awareness in either German or Chinese, and explore the concept of social justice in Christian Studies.

The opportunities in Year 9 are numerous and varied. A select group of Year 9 students are given leadership experience as Middle Years’ Leaders. In Term 1, our Year 9 students spend 3 weeks travelling in to Melbourne’s CBD every day as part of the City Cite program, a rich and valuable experience that is always a time of growth and development. In Term 3, we go inland on a 5 day Challenge Camp, hiking and exploring, while the students who complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award undertake their own adventurous journey. In Term 4, each Home Group represents a political party for a few days in the Mock Election program. Students take on roles within their party to campaign for votes. Also in Term 4, Year 9 students spend a day out at the Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Distribution Centre, sorting and checking shoeboxes that will be sent to children in developing nations as Christmas presents – sometimes it’s the first or only Christmas present some of these kids ever receive. An eventful and engaging year, Year 9 is always a time that presents our students with tools, challenges and experiences to guide them in their own journey of adolescence towards their future life and future studies.


  • Art
  • Celebrations
  • Ceramics
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Christian Studies
  • Creative Writing
  • Drama
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award – Bronze Level
  • English
  • Everyday Food
  • Geography
  • German
  • History
  • Inclusive Education
  • Information Technology - Coding
  • Information Technology - Robotics
  • Information Technology - Introduction to Web Design
  • Mathematics (three streams)
  • Media Studies
  • Music Multimedia
  • Music Performance
  • Photography
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Sport
  • Textiles
  • Visual Communication Design

Year 10

This year level brings a whole new set of experiences for students.  At the amazing Aqua Camp, students choose to undertake the SCUBA, surfing or boating streams, and all experience sailing and snorkelling as a part of their program.  Many students ‘fast-track’ into VCE by studying one Year 11 subject and all work toward being more independent in their management of their studies.  The Careers subject assists students to investigate their talents and interests, which they can then use to guide their choice of work experience at the end of Term 2.  Resumés are developed and experience is gained in the interview process through the Job Search Day.  One day spent volunteering with Melba Services helps students to appreciate the challenges of the disabled community and the dedication of the workers in this field.  The formal ballroom dancing lessons in the lead-up to the Year 10 Formal Dinner is another highlight for students.  Leadership opportunities are available in sport and academic faculties, and students continue to be supported pastorally by their teachers as they are encouraged to seek God in all that they do.


  • Art
  • Careers
  • Chinese 2nd Language
  • Christian Studies
  • Coaching And Advanced Fitness
  • Drama
  • EAL (English as an Additional Language)
  • English
  • Food Studies
  • Foundation Accounting (EAL students only)
  • Foundation Biology
  • Foundation Chemistry
  • Foundation English (Local students only)
  • Foundation Physics
  • General Science
  • Geography 1 – Environmental Change
  • Geography 2 – Global Awareness
  • German
  • History 1 – Extreme Events
  • History 2 – 20th Century
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematics (three streams)
  • Money, Markets and the Law
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Physical Education
  • Sport
  • Sports Analysis
  • Visual Communication Design

VCE Subjects and Fast Tracking

Students who are performing well in Year 9 may begin to study one VCE subject for the whole of Year 10. A range of subjects will be offered based on class availability.

Year 11

A time of growth for all students as they begin their VCE and prepare themselves for life beyond school. It’s a time to focus on what lies ahead and commit to achieve their best in all facets of school life. It is a time of consolidating all that they have learnt throughout their earlier years of schooling and preparing themselves for the rigours of Year 12.

The year begins with a team building camp where students are challenged both personally and as a group to push themselves beyond their limits and form a bond as a year level. It is an extremely valuable time together where students are able to establish the culture of the cohort that will carry them through their final years of schooling. Throughout the year students are given the opportunity to be involved in many areas of school life through sport, music, drama, Christian focus groups, plus much more. In Year 11, students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills and are given the opportunity to become a ‘subject captain’ where they can assist in promoting a faculty throughout the College.

VCE Subjects (Units 1 & 2)

  • Accounting
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese 1st Language
  • Chinese 2nd Language
  • Drama
  • English
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Food Studies
  • General Mathematics
  • Geography
  • German
  • Health and Human Development
  • History
  • IT: Applied Computing Units 1 & 2; Software Development Units 3 & 4
  • Legal Studies
  • Literature
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Music Performance
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Visual Communication Design

Other Programs

  • Cambodia Discovery Missions Trip (with Samaritan's Purse between Year 11 & 12)
  • Exploring Christian Faith
  • International Dinner
  • Sport
  • Year 11 Camp

Year 12

In their final year, students are given an array of wonderful opportunities to grow, lead and celebrate their time at the College. For a select number of students, the year begins prior to the commencement of the academic calendar, attending a trip to Cambodia with Samaritan’s Purse. This is a highly challenging but rewarding trip, in which students engage with a vastly different culture from their own. Students conduct lessons, distribute Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and visit and contribute to projects sponsored by the College. For the entire year level, the academic year begins with a retreat, during which students hear from motivational speakers, set personal and academic goals, and develop a community spirit. Each Home Group works together to create a banner, which is representative of who they are and who they desire to be as a group meeting daily over the course of the year. This is an important time to unify and inspire the students before they undertake a rigorous year of study.

Students are supported in many ways at Oxley Christian College. Unique to Year 12 is a structured mentoring program. Each student has the opportunity to meet with a selected teacher on a regular basis, who can provide additional encouragement and support in their final year. The entire year level is further assisted through regular morning teas, in which both staff and students come together to celebrate the year level’s successes. 

Year 12 students enjoy the opportunities provided by Oxley. Students frequently comment on the positive culture and supportive environment that they experience throughout their years at the College, but particularly as they undertake Year 12. We strive to prepare these young adults for their future by providing opportunities for academic, personal and spiritual growth in their final year at school.

VCE Subjects (Units 3 & 4)

  • Accounting
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese 1st Language
  • Chinese 2nd Language
  • Drama
  • English
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Food Studies
  • Further Mathematics
  • Geography
  • German
  • Health and Human Development
  • History
  • Information Technology (Computing for Units 1 & 2; Software Development for Units 3 & 4)
  • Legal Studies
  • Literature
  • Mathematical Methods (CAS)
  • Music Performance
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Texts and Traditions
  • Visual Communication and Design

Other Programs

  • Christian Seminar Series
  • Fundraising Events (Student initiated)
  • Sport
  • Valedictory Dinner
  • Year 12 Final Day
  • Year 12 Retreat

Senior School Curriculum Overview

Download: Senior School Curriculum Overview


Year 7 Curriculum









Download: Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8 Curriculum








Download: Year 8 Curriculum


Year 9 Curriculum







Download: Year 9 Curriculum


Year 10 Curriculum








Download: Year 10 Curriculum


VCE Curriculum

Download: VCE Curriculum