Our Junior School

Do you want to ensure your child gets the best start to their education? Instilling a love of learning in our students is the top priority for staff in our Junior School. In both formal and informal settings, students are engaged in meaningful learning, taking an active role in setting goals, taking risks and reflecting on their progress. This helps set them up for the future in work, further education and the community, and is something we’re proud of at Oxley Christian College.

Students are encouraged and supported to transfer their skills, knowledge and understandings to alternate contexts, both in our local community and the world beyond. Students at Oxley are learning for life!

An emphasis on nurturing

School, especially in the primary years, is not simply about learning how to read and write. It’s important to ensure that other life skills are properly developed. We place great emphasis on nurturing skills and attitudes in our students, such as respect, resourcefulness, resilience and cooperation, through a Biblical worldview.

Our Junior School teachers bring the Australian Curriculum alive by making relevant links between core subjects and inquiry based units of work. We value every opportunity we have to make a difference in the life and learning of the students in our care and look forward to supporting children in their educational journey.

Discover what our Junior School can offer your child

A good education is one of the best gifts one can provide children. To learn more about our Junior School’s curriculum, browse through the tabs below, where we provide information from Prep to Year 6.

If you have any further questions about our Junior School, or if you have any questions about our Senior School, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us on +61 3 9727 9900. Our friendly reception team will be happy to help or arrange a visit. We welcome the opportunity to get to know your family better and show you what we have to offer.


Our all-inclusive program is designed to awaken young minds to the joy of learning and foster an understanding that God is a great God. Students acquire a solid grounding in literacy and numeracy and actively engage in science, humanities, performing arts, digital technology, art, library, health and physical education. Learning also focuses on developing the skills, talents and abilities necessary for effective community living.

Year 1

Priority is given to literacy and numeracy development as these are the foundations on which further learning is built. Students’ skills and understandings are expanded through all areas of the curriculum, with the study of the Chinese language introduced at Year 1. Curiosity for people, places and how the world works is encouraged as students develop skills in inquiry and investigation in Science and Humanities. Students focus on building their identity as a child of God.

Year 2

An exciting year of growth and independence, the teaching program aims to develop each child’s knowledge, skills and understandings with an ongoing focus on how we should live as God’s people. The expansion of a sensory, cognitive and affective appreciation of the world is provided through an inquiry approach to learning across all areas of the curriculum. Students participate in the strings program and learn a string instrument (violin, viola or cello) in both small group and ensemble settings. Our camping program encourages resilience and independence, with students enjoying a sleepover at the school.

Year 3

Students are fully supported to continue to develop their ability to relate and communicate well with others; pose questions and solve problems; make informed decisions and act responsibly. They are engaged more purposefully with the knowledge, understanding and skills in literacy, numeracy, science, humanities, digital technology, art, library, languages, health and physical education. Students are encouraged to discover God’s plan for their life, focusing on finding opportunities to serve and help others.

Year 4

The curriculum focuses on further consolidation of literacy and numeracy understandings and scientific investigation within the local environment. Student learning is supported through involvement at the Enviro Barn. Skills and techniques to conduct a fair test using variables, accurate measurement and the idea of cause and effect, and evidence and explanation are highlighted. Students understand the importance of acting responsibly and serving God. The concept of sustainability is embedded across all curriculum areas with the Year 4 camp extending student understanding and knowledge.

Year 5

Literacy and numeracy are prioritised with the students increasingly using literacy skills for ‘reading and writing to learn’ in all curriculum areas. The curriculum continues to draw on students’ growing experience of community and the wider world to develop their understanding of the world, its systems, and students’ relationship to other people, places and systems, past and present. The Year 5 camp consolidates the students’ understanding of events in Australia’s past. Students focus on the mission of Christ and enjoy opportunities to build their leadership potential in readiness for Year 6.


Year 6

As leaders of the Junior School, Year 6 students actively seek opportunities to work effectively with others, understand and value diversity, challenge stereotypes, manage change and negotiate roles and responsibilities. The teaching program is structured in a specific way to prepare students for the transition to secondary school. Students are encouraged to foster a personal relationship with God and be positive role models for others. The Year 6 camp serves to expand students’ understanding of the role of government and their place in an ever-changing world.

Junior School Curriculum Overview

The Junior School Curriculum Overview is available for immediate download via the link below.

 Download: Junior School Curriculum Overview