Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

The Bible

We believe in the Divine inspiration, the infallibility and supreme authority of the Old and New Testaments in their entirety. They alone constitute the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice.


We believe there is one God, perfect and holy, existing eternally in three equal divine persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the creator and sustainer of all things, both visible and invisible, the heavens, the earth and all that is contained in the universe.

Jesus Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing only begotten Son of God, the Lord of all creation who was with God in the beginning and at the appointed time took the form of man, lived a sinless life and died on a cross, being raised again on the third day.

Virgin Birth

We believe that Jesus was the Word made flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.


We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and died as a sacrifice on the cross, shedding His blood for the remission of sin for all mankind. He is the only source of salvation from the penalty and consequence of sin.


We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead in His own glorified body for man’s justification, ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.


We believe that all men are in a fallen sinful and lost condition as a result of the original sin of Adam and Eve who were created without sin. In this state of depravity man is helpless to save himself and is under the condemnation of God to eternal punishment in Hell. Salvation from this state is solely by grace and is received through genuine repentance toward God and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This experience is known as “new birth” and is an instantaneous and complete operation of the Holy Spirit who alone convicts men of sin, leads them to repentance, creates faith within them and regenerates. The regenerate person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit who imparts gifts and manifests fruits through the believer.

Second Coming

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will visibly return to earth in person to establish His Kingdom. This will occur at a date undisclosed by scripture.

Kingdom of God

We believe that the Kingdom of God is made up of believers from all nations and denominations who are under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is the visible manifestation of the Body of Christ in the local community expressing itself through local congregations.

The Christian Life

We believe that the Christian life is expressed outwardly by conformity to the standards expressed in the Bible which is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice.